Development Diary #15: Space…

I’ve been revisiting some of my UI elements recently, tidying up some old bits-and-bobs, testing out a few new ones and looking again at controller input. One issue I keep encountering involves getting meaningful information back and forth from the objects in-scene to the cursor and other elements in screen space…

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Development Diary #14: Tool time…

It’s been pretty productive around here in the last week or so. After setting a more realistic scope for the game I’ve been focussing again on laying out the main gameplay area, this time in a more specific manner, getting buildings in their final positions, sorting out paths between them, listing locations that still need defined etc. I’ve also been spending a bit of time working on some tools for speeding this process up, and made my first foray into custom Playmaker actions…

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Development Diary #12: Quality settings…

This month I’ve been straying well outside my comfort zone to work on an in-game menu allowing players to change various quality settings during runtime. Unity offers a standard, built-in menu that appears when a game starts up but it hides several settings under “Quality Levels”, has a rather confusing input editor and requires the player to restart the game in order to make any changes. It’s also not customizable to any great extent and doesn’t really create the best first impression, so I thought I’d try and make my own.

All the menu elements are 3d objects as opposed to uGUI buttons, I’m using Playmaker for all the scripting and Easy Save 2 for saving/loading data and, as I haven’t completely nailed down how I’m handling input yet, the setup responds only to mouse and keyboard input, hopefully controller and touch wont be too tricky to add in later on…

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