Development Diary #15: Space…

I’ve been revisiting some of my UI elements recently, tidying up some old bits-and-bobs, testing out a few new ones and looking again at controller input. One issue I keep encountering involves getting meaningful information back and forth from the objects in-scene to the cursor and other elements in screen space…

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Development Diary #14: Tool time…

It’s been pretty productive around here in the last week or so. After setting a more realistic scope for the game I’ve been focussing again on laying out the main gameplay area, this time in a more specific manner, getting buildings in their final positions, sorting out paths between them, listing locations that still need defined etc. I’ve also been spending a bit of time working on some tools for speeding this process up, and made my first foray into custom Playmaker actions…

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Development Diary #13: Town planning…

I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to fix down the final scope of the game. Since I started working on the idea it’s ballooned from a few rooms to a sprawling epic and all the way back down again. In the end, if I’m going to make something I’m happy with, that’s actually finish-able, I’ll need to set some boundaries…

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